BetBoom has elevated Mariya Makienko to the role of Sports General Manager. Previously, Makienko held the Chief Operating Officer position for two years, where she managed the expansion of BetBoom’s esports and traditional sports competitions, including both internal and licensed events. She is recognized for establishing collaborations with prominent entities in both the esports and conventional sports sectors, which has considerably boosted the visibility of BetBoom’s tournaments. This has resulted in a rise in engagement and overall expansion, solidifying BetBoom’s standing as a top provider of dynamic and engaging competitions. Makienko’s advancement aligns with BetBoom’s broader plan to bolster each of its product segments with specialized teams of enthusiastic and skilled professionals. CEO Gal Ehrlich commended Makienko’s achievements and voiced certainty in her capacity to further enhance BetBoom’s sports offerings in her new capacity. BetBoom’s varied product portfolio encompasses BetBoom Esports, BetBoom Sports, BetBoom Live, and BetBoom Games.
At our 2018 inception, a solitary ping pong table graced our Kyiv workspace. Fast forward to today, and we boast a dozen athletic venues spanning four nations – an incredible journey!
My conviction remains unwavering: this is merely the first chapter for Beter Sports. Ambitious goals fuel our drive to shatter limits and present revolutionary material in collaboration with our exceptional athletic organizations. Being part of this evolution is truly exhilarating!”